Search Results | quantum statistical mechanics

Your search for "quantum statistical mechanics" returned 9 results

Influential People of Science Quiz

These are the people who changed the world's view of the universe and everything around us. How much do you know about them? Here's your chance to find out!

10 Scientific Words You're Probably Using Wrong

If you have a theory that potato chips are making you fat (with the proof being your expanding waistline), you've just used two scientific terms in a very unscientific way.

20 Notable People Who Dropped Out of School

These 20 people, including Thomas Edison, Princess Diana and Benjamin Franklin, achieved notable success in life, even after dropping out of school.

How super are superconductors?

In physics, you can’t get something for nothing, but superconductors offer the hope of someday breaking even. Getting them to live up to their potential has given scientists more than a few headaches in the years since they were discovered. Let’s see how much you know about these wonders of electromagnetism.

10 Scientific Questions We Can't Answer Yet

Science is forever uncovering the mysteries of our universe, but some questions remain elusive. What topics have us still scratching our heads?

How Chaos Theory Works

Has this ever happened to you? The meteorologist calls for a massive snowstorm, but the flakes fail to arrive. Chaos theory can shed light on why forecasts fail (and why our orderly world may not be so orderly after all).

How the Voynich Manuscript Works

It's a massive book that no one can read, and it has fascinated scientists, historians and cryptographers for decades. Is it a textbook, an encyclopedia ... or an elaborate hoax?

10 Awesome New Inventions You'll Never Hear About

Despite all the Slinkies, Band-Aids and BIC pens out there, many patented inventions that push the boundaries of innovation will likely never see widespread use, like this car that’s grown organically and emits pure oxygen.

10 of the World’s Most Groundbreaking Futurists

These futurists have amazing minds and some amazing predictions. See 10 of the world's most groundbreaking futurists here.

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